Hello everyone !

See what i got from Gojek and YABB. Amazing.


So, for this weekly reflection here, i have to answer questions from my peers on Generasi GIGIH and i will be chosen question from them. So…

Do you become more confident to become what you aspire to be after joining GenerasiGIGIH?

To be honest, after joining GenerasiGIGIH make me confident also motivated. So many instructors that inspired me actually. I was to learn that fundamental and basic is more important. Invest in fundamental is best way to keep survive in era digital, right?. So many that can I improve from soft skill to hard skill, made me realize that there are still many things that I can explore, as it be technical or non-technical material. But if the fundamental not strong, all of them hard to knowing.

What is your effective method of learning? Especially during virtual learning class.

Just make a cup of coffee before joining the class is effective for me to keep focus during classes.

Ya actually, in this week so many classes off. Only technical class on monday that continuing discuss about CI/CD and thursday on English class. Ya I think this week is relaxation for me because sometimes I am feel overwhelmed with all the learning process and take a time to refresh my mind. Chill with my family and playing dota with my friends. Enough for me.

How do you tackle burn out when learning about so many things in so little time?

Just make a cup of coffee and playing lofi music. For relaxing just playing dota 2 with my friend and chill with netflix movie. That’s it to tackle burn out. (quite introvert)

Thank you !!!