
Hello everyone !

Unbelievable that only 2 weeks left in intermediate phase.  Many things have happened in this one week, chaos in infrastructure especially. I didn’t expect that at the class would be chaos, but I learned many things that I was write summarize it in previous blog.

So, how do I feel about the board?

To be honest, when the score announced, its actually beyond my expectation. My expectation is like “ya maybe my position around 200th” and what just happen? my position around 100th. OMG. Very grateful.

But my target is not the score actually, my goals for this phase is to learn and progress as much as possible and the finished all of the class obviously. I know when I am in the class, I am so passive and sometimes ask to the instructor through the chat zoom. At least I pushed myself to ask when I am little bit confusing about the materials. Sadly, but yea at least I already made a progress, right?

To my friends that at the top of the board, i just saying, “congrats”. You are great. That’s it.

Because I know your effort, ambition, hard work and your energy to get it. You are inspired to me.