
Hello everyone !

Well, second week is passed. I have completed my second week in Generasi Gigih with Back-end track.

So, in the technical class, we learned about HTTP method, how to use Ruby Sinatra Routing and Rendering, Databases with ERD, how to design an ERD and how to manipulation. Actually, I knew the subject during studied in college, exclude Ruby Sinatra because I haven’t touch Ruby at all before joined the program. But, even I already know the subject, I always excited to learned again and know some new things more deep that I have never learned before. Its makes me feels to stay foolish and hungry to learn more and more.

Talk my feel this week. For me, its very helpful to recall what I was learned before. I like in this part of DML because I know I weak in this part. But again, homework help me to learn more. The homework is challenging, even doing the homework kill my saturdaynight haha just kidding. And learning basic sinatra, I think I have writing the summarize in my previously blog. My reason writing summarize the topic is if I need remembering what I have learned, just open my blog with topic sinatra. Other than, I got Career Readliness by XL Future Leader that discuss about personal branding, write a good curriculum vitae or resume and Linkedin hacks that I can use to make my profile linkedin better than now.

Overall I enjoy to learn this part with awesome instructor and recall my knowledge that I have learned before. One things that I get from instructor is trying to practice the knowledge and more practice a skill is make faster develop expertise. Thank you!