
Hello everyone !

First weeks is done. My feels like afraid and excited at the same time. Afraid because I afraid if I not able to keep up with the lesson and excited because the curriculum is very good and interesting. But to be honest, I am little bit nervous in english class. There are so many people fluent in english. For me as a beginner in english, I have learned a lot like how to speak daily conversation and little bit about grammar, so grateful.

Anyway, at the technical class, we learn about Object Oriented Programming or OOP with Ruby. Obviously we use Ruby for the main programming languages in this bootcamp. So far the materials I have got in the college but not deep. I think it will be quiet clear to me to able understand the materials when I heard the explanations from the instructors. But to be honest, I have learned a lot of new things from the materials. A lot of materials that I had never known before.

But, the nervousness came while the showcase time, so many students raise hand so fast while the showcase time is started. Even showcase homework or showcase exercise during classes. At the same time, this is make me wondering to myself, how so many people so fast when the instructors given the exercise. Made me realize that I have to sharpen my coding skill especially in the understanding the problem with combine writing code fastness.

Well, from what I learned last week, I think the most important thing to learn is a fundamental and basic how to solve the problems (I think understanding the problem is first before crack the problem). And last of my reflection is, communication skill as important as problem solving, especially communication with english. We as a software engineer should be able to explained the problem also communicate it. Thank you!